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RIVERCRUISE PART I - Paris & Amsterdam
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The Sights and Scents of History.

Overnight and early morning cruising brought us to an intriguing mix of old and new in Köln or Cologne revealing its Roman Heritage in its city layout and ancient ruins that lie scattered throughout the town. Cologne was founded in the first century AD as the Roman Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium, from which it gets its name.
One of the Main attractions is the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the 14th Century cathedral, a stunning example of Gothic artistry whose towering twin spires were clearly visible for miles, even as we came up the river.

We met our Guide Helga at the docks, and promptly started our walk through this city with wonderful modern plazas housing shops and restaurants galore. 

Several Plazas had some interesting anecdotes including one about this little fellow who was supposedly placed by the current building owner as a tribute to a fellow who, in the mid-1500's refused to come downstairs to the outhouse at night. However alternating stories have him either squatting over his balcony or just expressing his views of his neighbors political views.  

A prime stop was at a little shop across from the Town Hall, that of Giovanni Maria Farina whose creation became a worldwide sensation and in high
demand giving a whole new meaning to “Scent of a Woman” – or – man as was also the fashion.  His Creation? 
– Eau De Cologne  - named after his adopted city, and soon to become a  generic term applied to perfume for men or women, but it conventionally refers to perfumes marketed towards men.

And then it happened…
Many of you may recall that Ex-Caterer Chucky can’t make a trip abroad without running into a wedding(s) and/or several Brides along the way, and Cologne was no exception.
While viewing the City Hall 
Kölner Rathaus next to a Gothic Chapel were either Religious or Civil Marriages [or both] are performed in rapid succession, he notices a table set up with champagne and gift bags in the portico outside, along with a rag-tag band assembling in the adjacent 

plaza.  Sensing what was about to happen, he just barely finds a vantage point in time to get a shot of the Bride and Groom emerging from the City Hall through a gauntlet of well-wishers amid loud pops and bursts of confetti, all to the tune of Mendelssohn's Wedding March  from our Merry L’il Rag-Tag Band.  
His streak remains intact.

On the way to the Cathedral we passed an excavation site where the Ancient Jewish temple was found while preparing the ground for an new building.  It is now being restored to be a museum below a museum.

On the corner of the Cathedral Plaza is the Römisch-Germanisches Museum Köln which protects a Roman town Villa featuring a Dionysus mosaic remains in its original place in the basement.

Then there is the Massive Cathedral of Cologne.  
Badly damaged by fourteen hits from aerial bombs during World War II it nevertheless remained standing in an otherwise completely flattened city. The twin spires were an easily recognizable navigational landmark for Allied aircraft bombing.  
The Wiki link above makes fascinating reading.

By now, we notice that all the leg and foot swelling from the flight over is getting worse with no relief in sight, perhaps in the next couple stops a pharmacy will have something to alleviate all the edema.  

Sooooo it was time for a quick stop to cool off with a local beer.  Then we head back to the ship for lunch while the Captain casts off for some more day cruising, castle watching, and camaraderie  along the way.

Next Stop, Koblenz and more Rocks, Ruins and Castles,

Ciao Voor Nu,
Uncle Chuck & The Foot Weary, but enjoying the cruise,
Dragon Lady


  1. Seems you two were made for traveling. I so admire your adventures. When you come home tell me some travel stories in person. Until then please have a beer for me in some interesting space. Cheers!

  2. Now I have to visit Cologne. Seems like a fascinating city.
